My genius hour project is to learn how to far in my quest to learn to knit has not been easy. Knitting is harder than you think I only know how to do a slip knot and have no experience knitting yet. The reason I picked this for genius hour is that I thought it was going to be easy but I was wrong. The other reason I picked knitting is that I thought my grandma could help me out which she has been .from the week I have been doing this I learned the basics such as a slip knot and to cast on.

My perspective on knitting has complete changed. When I saw my grandma do it she made it look so easy but looks can be disceving. My skills have greatly improved considering that I knew nothing about knitting before until I started a couple of days greatest asset so far has been my grandma how taught mostly next steps are to actually start to knit my scarf which Is the only thing I am going to do this biggest challenge so far has been to actually knit I only know how to do a knot and a cast on but other than that hope for my final product is a nicely knitted scarf.

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